RemoveFileOrDirectory '/Library/LaunchDaemons/ $IDFReverseDomainRoot.* ' Įcho 'Unload and delete /Users/ $' ) then echo '.REMOVED' fi ' \ 2>&1 | /usr/bin/grep -v 'Operation not permitted ' # Remove any other Identity Finder files in this directory. If ! thenĮcho 'SUCCEEDED removing $LaunchDaemon. RemoveFileOrDirectory '/Library/LaunchDaemons/ $LaunchDaemon ' # any identityfinder.lic, activation dat file, and user prefs/plist.ĬurrentUser= $( /usr/sbin/scutil //g ' ) ' )Įcho 'The current EndpointServiceExeName is $EndpointServiceExeName. # If preserve, then just unload launch agent and blow away everything except # If not, then blow away license/activation info/all plists/etc # On uninstall ask if user prefs should be preserved or not # a management solution, such as Jamf Pro. # Note: This is a customzied version of the uninstall script provided by Spirion to be run from # Description: This script uninstalls Spirion and Identity Finder.